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Facts And History About The Norwegian Language


The Norwegian Language comes from the Indo-European language. When the Indo-Europeans scattered and spread all over Europe a lot of new languages came in to being. In the North- Western Europe languages such as English, Dutch, and German were evolved. These languages were called the West Germanic Languages. However, one of the North Germanic Languages that evolved as the Indo-Europeans spread across Europe was Norwegian. It is an official language in Norway which was written down first in the 11th century using Latin Alphabets.

Amazing Facts about the Norwegian Language

Origin: Norwegian was recognized as a separate language from Danish after the independence of Norway in the 19th Century. Since it is a North Germanic language it comes from the ancient Norse.

Speakers: It is widely spoken in Norway and around Five million People are the native speakers of Norwegian Language.

Tones:  Norwegian is a popular language that has various tones which make it sound musical and melodious just like many other Indo European and Asian Languages for example Chinese.

Simplest Language to Learn: Norwegian is known to one of the most incredible and easiest languages to learn for the English Speakers.

Various Languages Classified as Norwegian: There are many languages that come under the umbrella of Norwegian. This includes Bokmai, Nynorsk, Riksmal, and Hognorsk. Nynorsk and Bokmai are mostly the written form of Norwegian but for spoken it varies significantly throughout the country as there are various popular dialects of the language.

Loan Words: Norwegian is extremely popular for giving a few loan words to the English Language. This includes berserk, lemming, and slalom.

Similarity with English: Norwegian is similar to English in terms of reading. A lot of words are similar such as Bank, problem and, over. Some words even sound similar to English such as velkommen (Welcome), skrive (write), and av (of).

Similarity with Other Scandinavian Languages:  Norwegian is very close to other Scandinavian languages such as Swedish and Danish. Native Norwegians can easily understand around eighty -eight percent of spoken Swedish and seventy- three percent of spoken Danish languages. On the other hand, Swedish people can understand forty- eight percent of Norwegian and sixty- nine percent of Danes Language.

Special Word for Drinking on Weekend in Norwegian Language: Drinking on weekend is given a special name Helgefylla. It is meant to make the even special and not just something  habitual or usual.

 There Is No Please Word in Norwegian: Norwegian does not have the word, please. It is overall a polite language and does possess some words that mean more or less the same as please such as venglest, and ver sa venleg but it lacks the very simple please word.

Two Forms of Norwegian: In terms of writing Norwegian has two forms officially. These are Bokmal and Nynorsk. Bokmal is a more popular written form throughout the country as Nynorsk is used only by ten percent of the population. Both of these forms are extremely popular and are regulated by the language council of Norway.

Oslo, Norway

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